Hello May! Today is the 12th day of the month. How time flies kan? Dah 5 bulan masuk tahun 2012. This month is the month with most birthdayssss and not to forget weddingsss! There'll be at least a wedding per week and almost everyday is a friend's birthday. Busy much ehhh? Sangat laaah!
I think I have so much to write here. Really. But every time I'm actually blogging, I'm at lost of words. Tak tau nak habaq tang mana dulu. So much to say sampai terlupa what I initially wanted to write. Happens all the time. Hiks.
Okay this entry will be just short and sweet.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dearest ones at heart. I won't mention names here. Nevertheless, don't feel UNspecial okay? I wish that Allah will protect you from any harm, grant you with a bundle of joy, befall great health and wealth, and may you live your life with success. My girlfriends, boyfriends, cousins and people that I know far or near. I love you guys to bits. Sumpah this comes sincerely from my tiny heart :)
To those who's gonna end their single status, Selamat Pengantin Baru and Semoga Berbahagia hingga hujung nyawa saya ucapkan. Maaf kalau tak dapat datang all the weddings especially the ones which fall on Sunday. It's my working day. Sad ain't it. Tapi takpelah, demi mencari rezki kan.
And to my dearest Mama, Happy Mother's Day! Thank you for all your love, sacrifices and everything you've done for us. Never could I repay them in any ways. I promise I'll learn to be a better person each and every day. I love you Ma, till the end of time :)
Okay should be short and sweet enough rite? HEEE HEEE. I'll try my best to write more soon. Till then, boa noite lovelies.
Liyana Kamal