Monday, November 26, 2012


It's been 4 months since this blog was updated. The last entry was written when i was really frustrated and upset. After 4 months down the road, I think I am a much positive person. Taking things steadily, one step at a time.

So much happened in this period of time. I even decided to quit some part of life. But Allah definitely has better plans for me. I'm still here, hanging on. Honestly, I'm anxiously waiting for 2013 to come. Looking forward to what's in store for me. For whatever decisions made, I hope I wont have any regrets. I do miss life back then. Sometimes i reminisce too much. But living on memories of yesterdays wouldnt make me a better person today. So i decided to move on eventhough it's one tough decision. After all, life never waits on you, right?

I gotta stop that running-away-from-every-shit-attitude and face my fear. I'm gonna try harder this time. InsyaAllah.

Yours truly,
Liyana Kamal