Sunday, November 7, 2010

this is why i love holidays!

and this was what i did over the weekends. a good time spent with the loved ones!
did i ever mention i loveeeeee gatherings? more time for good company, good food and a hell of good laugh! yippieeeeeee!

well now.... lets just pictures do the blogging, story-telling :D

camwhoring in the car! wajib! zits all over. booohoo

with the sista. dady and momy in front looking for directions. teehee.

okay. safely arrived tho the cousins were a bit lost.
actually we gave wrong direction. sorry paksu :D

settled down. was damn tired of walking. xpe, at least we burned calories.

the boys busy assembling the tent. while we watched. teehee.

okay, si kecik was really anxious to jump into the water.
so i had to teman. the water was damn cold!!
by the way, i look like a mom in this pic. dislike dislike -_-!

my lil hyperactive cuzzie, yaya. banyak sgt ckp sampai tak terlayan.

having a good time. but moi not in the picture. okay pfft!

and so its time to leave. we shall come back again :)

okay one more! sayonara Chongkak!
