Saturday, January 22, 2011

im so hippie, nahhhh happy! ;)

good morning guys and gurls!

happy saturday! im up and awake early rite? guess i'm just used to waking up early nowadays for work *winkwink* rajin betol liyana skang! *angkatbakultinggi2sket!* :p

just wanna share exciteddd-ness since last nite! im overly excited for many reasons. hihi. Alhamdulillah!

first things first, really can't wait for February to come! lotsa plansss coming up! InsyaAllah we'll be moving around here and there. weeeehoooo~ i wished i could bring all of them with me (my mommy and daddy, also my dearest ones), but yeah tunggu saye kumpul duit beribu-ribu lemonss saye akan bawa mereka bercuti dan berjalan bersame-same sehingge lebam yee.

ok, itu je nak bebel pagi sabtu nih. will write more soon!

p/s : spread more love, less hatred~



redzwanz said...

Ape yg happy sgt nye yng?

yanaaa said...

happy for many reasons! hihi. can't wait, can't wait!!