Friday, January 22, 2010

another one.

semalam patotnye jadi sesi utk merelease tension bersame rakan-rakan class. but.. ade la tragedy berlaku sket in the end. haihh. dugaan lagik.

# me wif my classmates pegi tgk cite Legion kat Alamanda. movie starts at 1015 pm-ish. the movie was ok la. nak ckp best gile xde la kot. but it was kinda funny and for gurls mmg akan terjerit-jerit la tgk. sbb... banyak scene terkejot. i terkejot byk kali giler ok. hee. even the guys tersorok-sorok kepale tgk :p

# before movie we had dinner at KFC. makan dlu coz i didnt hv a decent meal the whole day. lapa gile! laju je mkn kot. :D

# lepak-lepak then gossiping bout things n off we went to the hall. ramai gile org kot. i saw many familiar faces. mcm da jd shopping mall utk bdk-bdk UKM da. even saw my ex schoolmate. terkejot lg. ^__*

# dlm hall mmg havoc la kot. coz the whole row tuh ktorg conquer. almost 20 peeps. even mase beli tics, bdk yg jage counter tuh mcm tekejot. sbb bli byk sgt. teehee.

# around 12 kot movie abes then masing-masing nak balik da. before that g singgah minum jap. me n the gurls complain about tempat tuh busuk-busuk and all. suddenly bile da settle down duduk sume, i realize sumthing is missing. check byk kali kot mmg takde. i ask my fren nih ade tak barang tuh kat die? and she was like "ko jgn main-main na..". she tot i was pulling pranks on her.

# after a while we decided to go back to the movie hall to check for the thing. check dlm 10 mins je kot coz that time ade midnite movie goin on. so, we juz left my number to the guy yg keje tuh. Ya ALLAH tlg la ade balik barang tuh. coz its not mine. its my frens sis punye. i rase guilty sgt coz i didnt carik properly mase i dgr ade bunyi bende jatoh mase tgh tgk movie tuh. -__-
sorry eh korg. gamba korg posing-posing sume takde nk di upload.

# moral of the story : i think i lied too much before and i didnt tell my mum i was goin out and things like this happened. ALLAH nak tunjuk kat me direct je.
mama, im so sorry :(

# nevertheless, im a bit relieved dpt gelak-gelak and spend time with korang sume. coz before that i was a bit down due to many reasons.

till then.

urs truly,


bellmz said...

huhu..what to do dear..itu la kejadian2 yg berlaku..huhu..nvm..nnt doa2 jela ea dpt blk..

redzwanz said...

u lied bout what?
n wat didnt u tell??
xpe la
bnde da jd kn